McDonalds Mocha Frappe

Attention all coffee and chocolate lovers! Mcdonald’s Menu offers McDonalds Mocha Frappe to satisfy your thirst. This chilled and delicious pick-me-up is good to start your day. Imagine a full chocolatey creamy milkshake is here to quench your thirst. The beauty of a mocha frappe is that it’s not strong like expresso coffee but gives you a slight taste of coffee.

McDonalds Mocha Frappe comes with a whipped cream scoop and a sprinkle of chocolate on top. You will feel it in every sip and enjoy the chocolate and cream in a single sip. This special drink comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large, so you can choose accordingly. Try this amazing treat once you visit McDonald’s.

McDonalds Mocha Frappe

Mcdonalds Mocha Frappe Price

If you are craving something sweet and chilled, then Moucha Fraape is something you can have. Mcdonald’s Mocha frappe price is affordable. You can have it daily for breakfast or enjoy it on hot summer days. The cost varies according to the size. Regular size comes in ₱ 140, and Large size price is ₱ 150.

mocha frappe

Make sure the calorie intake is higher. So before you choose, you must check out the calories and balance your diet. Order this Moiucha frappe McDonald’s using your mobile app and chill with friends. 

Mcdonalds Mocha Frappe Nutrients

McDonald’s mocha frappe’s Nutritional information is on its official site. It is recommended that you check your diet details before choosing it to balance your potion itnake. 

NutrientsAmount per Serving
Calories241 Cal
Total fat 3 g
Total Sugar37 g
Saturated fat 2 g
Total carbs51 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium 89 mg
Potassium 814 mg
Vitamin A0 μg RE
Calcium 65 mg
Iron6 mg
Protein 4 g
Dietary Fibers 1 g
McDonalds Mocha Frappe Nutrients

Mcdonalds Mocha Frappe Ingredients

Macdonald’s mentions most of these ingredients on its official websites,I have mentioned almost of them in the below table. 

3Skimm Milk
5Coffee extract
6High Fructose Syrup
8Goar Gum
Mcdonalds Mocha Frappe Ingredients

Mcdonald’s Mocha Frappe Recipe

McDonald’s does not reveal its recipe, although I have tried to broach a similar recipe for Mocha frappe for you, so let’s try!

  • Make two cups of coffee or brew it in the machine and let it cool. Once it’s cool, transfer it to the ice cube tray to freeze it. 
  • Place the coffee cubes in the blender and add 2 cups of milk, seven spoons of sugar, and 1/4 cup of chocolate syrup. 
  • Blend it until it becomes smooth and creamy. 
  • Transfer it into the glasses. Add a scoop of whipped cream and sprinkle the chocolate syrup as a topping. 
  • Enjoy your favorite Mucha frappe with your family!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, you can make the other frappes by using yogurt, cream, and milk as well. 

Yes, mocha frappes are made from brewed coffee in the machine then frozen into ice cubes and blended with other ingredients. 

Yes in some kinds of frappes like Moucha McDonald’s uses coffee. 

Mocha frappe is made from milk, coffee, cream sugar, and chocolate syrup. These are some of the basic ingredients used in Moucha frappe at McDonald’s  


Mcdonald’s Mocha frappes are a delicious delight to chill on a hot summer day. You can also enjoy this healthy creamy shake or frappe for breakfast. This is made with coffee and milk sugar, then topped with a yummy scoop of whipped cream and chocolate drizzling.

Enjoy the creamy smooth coffee with chocolate in a very sip and chill your mouth with a boost of favors. Order it now using your mobile app, or enjoy it with your family at the McDonald’s store.

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